All these facts

How Couples Makeout

All these facts ( evidence ) are derived from a voluminous material submitted to the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo by the Independent Trade Union of Workers of Shock Absorbers Pristina . Have our political , economic and legal etc. . let's get acquainted with this piece of material that they dispose of Assembly Members and , if they are willing , let them show their opinions are welcome . We suspect that the privatization process are not respecting the laws in force , then it is not only harming the interest of workers buffers , but the interest of Kosovo . For us it is clear that there is any interest looked strong man to benefit without investing anything . We therefore request that a competent body to his word to come to the truth . If this really kills , we are not fajtorë.Si a man with long experience in entrepreneurial Internationally , I have a special feeling because today is the day when the two countries reached , Albania and Kosovo are signed agreement of cooperation frames future in all fields , which lead to the creation of a joint development area . I know the importance of space , market , competitive advantages of this space at the regional and international levels. I worked long Albanians entrepreneurial skills to join a single subject and today together with entrepreneurial class Albanians on both sides of the border feel besëplotë for the future .

But there is another reason why I strong today see this co horizon more clearly . As a global entrepreneur I unbuttoned too early modern Renaissance idea Xhaferi , Albanian a unique space in our path of European integration , joint meetings and parliamentary government , for common institutions in the street . Together with our national space intellectuals , politicians , professors have created an early buzz that leads towards this objective national welfare founded on the concept of unit culture , customs , language , territory .

Today to presume that inside my suit Cabinet member to Kosovo , to provide a concrete approach as I see the future of this meeting we are developing today .

First of all , we need to create a permanent structure to project future developments , the ideojë and realize concrete projects within the agreements that will be signed and nënshkrojmë in the future . This mix ministerial committee , would suggest that the level of representatives bashkëdrejtohej highest economic experience in the sectors of both countries . It will be connected all the time , will hold more frequent meetings among themselves and with civil society , interest groups , etc. .
