If anyone

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If anyone should be put on sound business protection , it should certainly make KCC , but KCC should be placed on the protection of the law and the creation of an agency that would oversee PAK and the whole process of privatization . This is the interest of the citizens of Kosovo and where the interest of the citizens should be the business of , if not , the KCC ? Even the privatization process of revaluation did the other countries that have gone through the process of privatization . So nothing is happening in Kosovo that have not occurred in other countries of the EU . Even if what sin Too Assembly debates an important process for which there were no clear policies on privatization and he was not doing them any revaluation policy . In this case I see fit to inform the public, why and on what basis is organized keeping the debate . Below are offering some of the evidence from numerous mountain of evidence that has led the Independent Union of bumpers .

SOE Privatization Process Shock Absorbers Factory in Pristina was allegedly accompanied by numerous irregularities , drastic violation of laws , even suspected to institutional organized crime , so the following is briefly mention just some of the weaknesses of this process :

In the process of privatization is allowing privatization of the enterprise with only one bidder and a ridiculous price compared to the real value and market prices , while the tender rules stipulate that the privatization process should be at least three eligible bidders . In this case they missed three responsive bidders .

Are awarded the privatization persons who were under investigation before announcing the privatization process , both these violations consist of serious violations of the rules of the tender for the privatization of enterprises .

Shock Absorbers Factory has had 1000 assets in the form of machinery , equipment , finished products , etc. gjysmëprodhimeve . , The real value of which was estimated at 129.000,000,00 dollars , these assets were not recorded intentionally for the purpose of disappearance of their footsteps , then the winners of privatization with the help of KPA these assets were acquired illegally and were sold on the black market . The factory was privatized with a prize of 2,150,000.00 euros , while the assets of which were acquired illegally sold on the black market in the amount of 10,000,000.00 euros , was so defective in this Shock Absorbers Factory securities and interests of the workers were injured creditors in the amount of 22,000,000 euros . These data for us to lay the issue to suspect left many , certainly for this defect is not the fault of the buyer or buyers as if they had followed the contract , but the culprit should be sought in cooperation with those who prepare the company for sale ( Board PAK ) .

Kosovo Privatization Agency had announced the sale of the New Shock Absorbers Factory Limited Liability Company (LLC ) on sale by the method of spin-off special . In Appendix E of the document ( Exhibit no. 4 ) stated that the Winning Bidder or prospective purchaser of NewCo Shock Absorbers Factory Sh.PK is obliged to continue to maintain current business activity in the coming years . While in Annex F ( Probation no. 4 ) Monitoring the fulfillment of contractual obligations say that Purchaser is obliged to report in writing to DNA or its legal successor to continuing and maintaining the same business activity , each 6 months to 5 years following the date of signing of the sales contract . Privatization winner had not kept the company activities for a single day , while the KPA had not monitored the performance of the contract and there was never a check . Why ?
