Regarding self

Regarding self-determination in their positions it has not fallen to the citizens in terms of respect for religious rights . Even though , in my opinion , they are principled people , mostly in comparison with all other political parties that have more than one face. Of them expect more solidarity and guarantee the rights of Muslims and I believe that the support of the Muslims will not fail , it can be tested easily .
The headscarf issue has not ended , it has only begun to be activated properly , a problem quite protracted and manipulated , which should be remedied as soon as possible . Do not forget Express or others that the will of the people can not overcome administrative nor a ministry exhausted , nor the constitution which has not come down from heaven , nor any other power in this world . Therefore , since the will of our people were coming every day increasing as the growing awareness of this principle is the most allowed by the rules of religion, I would bet , but since betting is prohibited in Islam , I say with full conviction that the headscarf issue with the name of the Great God will fix it, and for this I have no doubt . So , stop prejudice , Islamophobia stop your hatred against religion , against your people , because the people will curse you sooner or later , so do not even have good jobs to at least people do not need to curse you . The future is in the hands of God , and religion also is His and He has pledged to defend the religion and is already protected . We really feel sorry for all those who hate so much this magnificent religion and these innocent Muslims , as well as sorry for ourselves that we are losing time with them . Therefore we pray to Allah to guide them , illuminate your path of truth and include them in His mercy and infinite rahmetin that these people , as the people say , ' are not really anywhere on earth bread ' . Allah guide these people and us with them , Amin ... up next week with a different theme is back wa alejkum.në Lipljan Democratic League of Kosovo in Lipljan is back , because now feels need to change the situation for citizens . Democratic League of Kosovo needs more than ever citizens. Therefore the results show that the Democratic League of Kosovo is growing , in the 2009 elections had 9.127 votes in the first round , while in the 2013 elections preliminary results by the CEC sent to a total of 10,274 , is in first round despite turnout statistics , LDK has been the inspiration of exit and growth rate in the 2013 elections .
