Some cases

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Some cases small shock that produced the concern citizen instead of human or material damage . Anthrax asphalt layer in a very controversial for soil stability within the urban area of Pristina produced an uncomfortable situation . Happened before the election campaign and it damaged the existence of an exact analysis . Lining layer of politically popular position to minimize the risk hesitated until municipal opposition forces tried heavy criticism in order to gain political advantage at the expense of the event . Here I pozicionohem between .
It is perverse to say that nothing has happened that is unfair as the concern of citizens who have bought newly built properties sweat , if scientific analysis on the possibility of new shock there really . We have heard the word , in fact inherited vulnerability stories on the movement of soil in the western part of the old Arbëria , while on the other hand we are also served theories and analyzes that say the opposite . This is a complicated situation, however, and the days ahead will clarify many things .
In the case of new political debris in that area would produce enormous disappointment and perhaps immediate crash of the Democratic League of Kosovo from Pristina government , but considering how many people already living in that area and how would endanger human health and property , then of course I would like the Democratic Party of Kosovo not to come to power in this way . Would prefer to have our victory smell the flowers and not the ruins .
Yet " was dropped and we saw this mort " . Recruiting companies entrusted public work can not be done through personal sympathy , to partisan or other connections that might be . There is more to the question of a party-based business organization that can win jobs , but her professionalism , because we are dealing with human security in the first place .
Signals that brought the collapse of the road surface in Arberi new painauguruar , are multi-dimensional . Indirectly municipal chiefs can not be stripped of responsibility nor the demolition of Ali Kelmendi earlier in nearby streets or even in the area Muhaxherëve Dardanian months ago and it appears that they were the first signals in retrospect . They have ignored and new cases of collapse . I will personally forgive the mistake municipal area, just one more guarantee that over ten thousand buildings in Pristina are made with professional criteria by the directorate of urbanism and there will be other collapses !
Pristina has many unsolved problems that are betonizuar since the war and afterwards. The meaning of the word that is almost banal everyday vocabulary of political " change " we like it or not I should be there Pristina and full compliance among citizens , only that men differ in beliefs that formation or individual who should lead the change . One thing is certain : each " boss " of the municipality of Pristina has not distinguished from each other in a realistic because there are no moving structure and logic of the same political formation .
Dispel Isen and will be placed on top of an Isa Pristina other but if you notice that Pristina should change his lineup political pull , otherwise everything will be as up to date . The same practice .
